Thordarson admitted having produced fraudulent key accusations against Julian Assange while cooperating with the FBI. We believe that the FBI as an official entity should not engage in criminal operations like directing cracker attacks against Iceland and producing wrong key evidence even if they feel that what Julian Assange has done should be punished. Nonetheless there are many people who may think about this very differently. / Software developer and antivirus pioneer John McAfee committed suicide before being extradited to the United States. He was once a US presidential candidate and charged with tax evasion and cryptocurrency fraud for trying to help Cuba circumvent the trade embargo.
Thordarson gibt zu in Zusammenarbeit mit dem FBI betrügerische Schlüsselvorwürfe gegen Julian Assange produziert zu haben. Wir glauben, daß das FBI als offizielle Instanz keine kriminellen Operationen durchführen sollte, wie etwa Cracker-Angriffe gegen Island oder falsche Schlüsselbeweise vorzulegen, selbst wenn es der Meinung ist, daß das, was Julian Assange getan hat, bestraft werden sollte. Schließlich gibt es sicher viele Menschen, die das ganz anders sehen. / Der Software-Entwickler und Antiviren-Pionier John McAfee hat vor seiner Auslieferung an die USA Selbstmord begangen. Er war einmal Präsidentschaftskandidat in den USA und wegen Steuerhinterziehung und Betrug mit Kryptowährungen angeklagt worden, weil er Kuba bei der Umgehung des Handelsembargos helfen wollte.
El estado francés quiere recortar las tarifas de alimentación de la energía solar de manera tan radical que es probable que varias empresas operativas quiebren. La base de datos real disponible públicamente de las empresas operativas no se utiliza para la reducción, sino una compilada artificialmente. Los pequeños inversores en particular se ven perjudicados. Creemos que esta es una señal fatal para la transición energética y para futuras inversiones que se necesitan con urgencia en este momento. Habrá un recorte, pero su firma puede ayudar a garantizar que sea apropiado para continuar cubriendo el costo real.
O estado francês quer cortar as tarifas de aquisição de energia solar de forma tão radical que várias empresas operacionais provavelmente irão à falência. A base de dados real e disponível ao público das empresas operacionais não é utilizada para a redução, mas sim uma base compilada artificialmente. Os pequenos investidores, em particular, são prejudicados. Achamos que este é um sinal fatal para a transição energética e para os investimentos futuros que são urgentemente necessários agora. Haverá um corte, mas sua assinatura pode ajudar a garantir que é apropriado para continuar a cobrir o custo real.
The French state wants to cut the feed-in tariffs for solar power so radically that a number of operating companies are likely to go bankrupt. The publicly available, actual database of the operating companies is not used for the reduction, but an artificially compiled one. Small investors in particular are harmed. We think that this is a fatal signal for the energy transition and for future investments that are urgently needed right now. There will be a cut, but your signature can help ensure that it is appropriate to continue to cover the real cost.