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Em apenas 23 dias, um juiz decidirá sobre o pedidio dos EUA para extradição de Julian Assange. No HMS Prison Belmarsh, cercado por alguns dos piores criminosos do mundo, Julian está em um confinamento quase total nas condições do que ex-U.N. oficial Nils Melzer chama tortura. Sua ala prisional está sofrendo um surto de COVID e ele está sendo mantido em condições de frio, sem acesso a roupas de inverno enviadas por sua família. Enquanto isso, sua família e seus dois filhos não sabem se vai ver o seu pai mais uma vez.
In just 23 days, a judge will rule on the U.S. request to extradite Julian Assange. At HMS Prison Belmarsh, surrounded by some of the world’s worst criminals, Julian is in near-total lockdown in conditions former U.N. official Nils Melzer calls torture. His prison wing is enduring a COVID outbreak and he is being kept in cold conditions without access to winter clothing sent by his family. Meanwhile, his family and two children don't know if they will ever see their father again.
In nur 23 Tagen wird ein Richter über den Antrag der USA auf Auslieferung von Julian Assange entscheiden. Im HMS-Gefängnis Belmarsh, umgeben von einigen der ärgsten Kriminellen der Welt, befindet sich Julian unter den Bedingungen, die der ehemalige US-Beamte Nils Melzer Folter nennt, in nahezu völliger Absonderung. Sein Gefängnisflügel erlebt einen COVID-Ausbruch und er wird unter frostigen Bedingungen gehalten, ohne Zugang zu Winterkleidung, die von seiner Familie geschickt wurde. Währenddessen wissen seine Familie und seine zwei Kinder nicht, ob sie ihren Vater je wieder sehen werden.
I have just got an email from fightforthefuture: With the news that Google’s former CEO, Eric Schmidt, is being discussed for positions, and that former Facebook leaders are acting as advisors on the transition team, we need to act fast to make sure corporate lobbyists and execs don’t get appointed to positions of power within the administration. — … and I, the author of this page, personally do not welcome a fromer Google CEO in such a position either as Google still censors its search results for my pages: see my previous messages about it (or: click on ‘type: new’ in ViewRSS). Facebook on the other hand is even worse. With Facebook Basics they wanted to abolish the free internet (net neutrality) by offering Facebook-only internet at uncompetitively low rates that would force competitors to surrender starting with developing countries.