little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Petition: Stop the assault on the Amazon rainforest!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
Brazilian indigenous peoples are currently locked in a fight for survival: Brazil's President Bolsonaro is pushing to scrap the constitutional protection of their ancestral territories and clear even more rainforest for soy monocultures, cattle, hydropower and mining. Tell the Brazilian government to get its priorities right.

Petition: Attacke auf den Amazonas­regenwald abwenden!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Der brasilianische Amazonasregenwald ist in höchster Gefahr. Die Regierung unter Präsident Bolsonaro will die Umweltgesetze massiv aufweichen. Die Territorien der Ureinwohner und die Regenwaldschutzgebiete sollen für Sojamonokulturen, Rinderweiden, Staudämme und Bergbauvorhaben Platz machen. Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition.

UN: Stop eviction and land grabbing! - against causes of flight

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
200 million hectares of land worldwide – a total area larger than Mexico – have been impacted by land grabbing and eviction. Smallholders and indigenous people are being driven from their ancestral land, often with the tacit approval of national governments who profit a lot from it. The UN must stop this abuse of power.

UNO: Vertreibung und Landraub verhindern! - gegen Fluchtursachen

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Landraub und Vertreibung findet weltweit auf einer Fläche von 200 Millionen Hektar statt – fast sechs Mal die Fläche Deutschlands! Während Bauern und indigene Völker vertrieben werden, verdienen die eigenen Regierungen kräftig mit. Die UNO muß diesen Machtmissbrauch stoppen.

100% Biodegradable Replacement of Plastic Bags

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
There exists a 100% biodegradable alternative to plastic bags: bags made of cassava. The bags can be dissolved in water which you can drink. That way we could solve the plastic litter crises up to a noticeable extent. Any plastics that has been produced still exists in one or another form. The cassava bags were invented in Bali in 2017 against the plastic litter crisis.