little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Against Patents for Live

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
A big Dutch company has patented melons, tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. This has been possible because of a flaw in European patent law. Raise your voice against patents on conventional breedings! We need to fight any attempt of big companies trying to iniquitously appropriate common goods as nature. Tell the social democratic federal attorney general in Germany to close the loophole.

Teure Irrwege im Klimaschutz: Agrosprit und kontraproduktive Wasserkraftprojekte

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: de,
Überarbeiteter und upgedateter Artikel: Die Klimabilanz der Biosprit-Produktion und sogar die einiger Wasserkraftprojekte ist negativ; mindestens ebenso schlimm wiegt aber der Verlust an Artenvielfalt; abgesehen von dem Konkurrenzverhältnis des Biosprits zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion.

Expensive Tortuous Paths in Climate Protection: Agrofuel and Counterproductive Water Power Projects

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
Updated and revised article: The climate balance of agrofuels is negative; and even the climate balance of certain waterpower projects; however the loss in biodiversity caused by these projects is at least as bad as the climate balance; apart from the negative influence on food production.

Die Artktik fällt an Ölkonzerne

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Die Trump Regierung drängt um das bislang unberührte arktische Schutzgebiet für Ölbohrungen zu öffnen - ein Schachzug der eines der letzten unberührten Gebiete und Heimat der Gwich´in irreversivlen Schaden zufügen würde. In der Kälte kann das Öl bei einem Unfall zudem nicht abgebaut werden. Bitte unterschreiben Sie auch folgende Petition von NRDC.

Handing the Arctic over to oil giants

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
The Trump administration is rushing forward with a reckless plan to throw open America’s pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling — a move that would cause immediate, devastating, and irreversible damage to one of the last completely unspoiled wild places on earth which is home to the Gwich´in people. When an oil spill happened the oil could not be degraded due to the low temperatures. Please sign in addition: this petition from NRDC.