little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Ban on bee-killing pesticides is at threat to fall

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
Once again in Great Britain bee-killing pesticides may be deployed on fields since the British government was lobbied at a relevant meeting by Bayer and Syngenta. Bees and other pollenizing insects die in masses by the so called neonicotinoids which act as nerve poison to these animals. The birds die as well. One third of our alimentation depends on the pollination by bees. Tell Bayer, BASF and Syngenta to stop its lawsuit against the moratorium of neonicotinoids!

Verbot von Bienenkiller-Pestiziden droht zu kippen

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
In Großbritannien dürfen wieder BienenkillerPestizide versprüht werden, seitdem sich die britische Regierung von Bayer und Syngenta bei einem entsprechenden Treffen lobbyieren hat lassen. Den sog. Neonikotinoide fallen Bienen und andere Bestäuber massenhaft zum Opfer, da diese für sie als Nervengift wirken. Letztlich sterben dann auch die Vögel. Jedes dritte unserer Nahrungsmittel hängt von der Bestäubungsleistung der Bienen ab. Fordern Sie die EU-Kommission auf, das einjährige Moratorium für Neonikotinoide zu erneuern anstatt es zu kippen!

The Fight for

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
What is going on behind the scenes: From 'advertising agencies' up to an attack against fundamental rights.

Upraging: Germany should pay 4.7 Bio. Euro because of its Nuclear Phaseout

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

Germany had been sued because of its nuclear phaseout in response to Fukushima at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. Now Germany should pay an unbelievable amount of 4.7 Bio. Euro, one Billion more than intially demanded. Ask Vattenfall to step back from its lawsuit! … :   Take action at SumOfUs.