little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Investor State Dispute Resolution and Human Rights Violations

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
So called 'investor state dispute resolutions' would abolish our democracy and national sovereignty as we know it today: companys could sue against any law affecting their future profits. They may require the public to pay high indemnifications or even worse to take back and abolish consumer, social, environmental or other regulations. The trials would be held under exclusion of the public and without any possibility to appeal. Even the local constitution and human rights are subordinated under these arbitration courts giving companies a charter for human rights violations and crimes against humanity. Unebelievable but true.

Indigenenprotest gegen sinnloses Staudammprojekt am Rio Tapajós

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,

Die Mundurukú wollen Millionen Bäume vor Rodung für Staudamm retten. Der Strom soll für Aluminiumhütten, Bergbaukonzerne und Industrieanlagen verwendet werden. Der Damm wäre aufgrund der Methanemissionen klimapolitisch weitaus schädlicher als Kohlekraftwerke.

zur Protestaktion auf

TTIP und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft der Europäischen Union [de]

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: de,
Die Auswirkungen von TTIP auf die Wirtschaften der Länder Europas beziffern unterschiedliche ökonomische Modelle sehr unterschiedlich. Der Artikel stellt den Einfluß von TTIP so wie er vom Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGM) vorausgesagt wird einem Modell basierend auf dem United Nations Global Policy Model (UN GPM) gegenüber.

TTIP and its economic impact on the European Union [en]

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
The effects of TTIP on the European economies is estimated very differently by different types of economic models. The article contrasts possible influences of TTIP as predicted by the Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGM) towards a model based on the United Nations Global Policy Model (UN GPM).

confinedrv with partition image support v1.7.6

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
version 1.7.6 now supports to blend in a partition image from a file in place of an existing partition.