little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Coal and Anti-Climate Lobbying

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

On Thursday the Higher Administrative Court in Münster declared the construction of the Datteln 4 coal-fired power station to be illegal because of the development plan with immediate vicinity of a residential area. This is a resounding slap in the face for Armin Laschet, who has repeatedly campaigned for the power plant in public. We have previously shared a petition against Datteln 4 because a new coal-fired power plant would have thwarted the hard-won coal exit and would not have followed the recommendations of the Coal Commission. We also have a petition for you against the demolition of other villages for coal in Germany.

But that's not all: Campact writes to us that the lobby group INSM can spread its anti-climate agitation in Germany, but factual corrections by Campact have not been printed. Advertisements for the “Initiative New Social Market Economy” were even printed in the FAZ. The Zeit refused to put Campact's ad on their website. On the other hand, the Zeit had already published lies about Annalena Baerbock's (Greens) climate protection plans. The Zeit rejects the truth about the climate protection blockade by Armin Laschet (CDU). The fact that journalistic independence is not far-fetched shows, among other things, that almost all newspapers in the USA have refused to report about the litigation against Steven Donziger who defended the Ecuadorians because of the oil poisoning by Chevron. One of the reasons for this is that an important lawyer, Gibson Dunn, not only works for the New York Times, but also for Chevron.

additional petition: against wood robbery in Nigeria.

Kohle & Anti-Klima Lobbying

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,

Am Donnerstag hat das Oberwerwaltungsgericht Münster den Bau des Kohlekraftwerkes Datteln 4 wegen des Bebauungsplanes mit unmittelbarer Nähe zur Wohnbebauung für illegal erklärt. Das ist eine schallende Ohrfeige für Armin Laschet, der sich wiederholt öffentlich für das Kraftwerk stark gemacht hat. Wir haben zuvor schon eine Petition gegen Datteln 4 geteilt, weil ein neues Kohlekraftwerk den hart erkämpften Kohleausstieg konterkariert hätte und den Empfehlungen der Kohlekommission nicht gefolgt wäre. Wir haben für Sie auch eine Petition gegen das Abbaggern weiterer Dörfer für Kohle in Deutschland.

Doch das ist nicht alles: Campact schreibt uns, daß die Lobby-Truppe INSM in Deutschland ihre Anti-Klima-Hetze verbreiten kann, sachliche Richtigstellungen von Campact aber nicht gedruckt worden sind. Anzeigen der „Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft” wurden sogar in der FAZ abgedruckt. Die Zeit weigerte sich eine Campact-Anzeige auf ihre Webseite zu bringen. Lügen über die Klimaschutz-Pläne von Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) hat die ZEIT higegen schon veröffentlicht. Die Wahrheit über die Klimaschutz-Blockade von Armin Laschet (CDU) lehnt sie ab. Daß es mit der journalistischen Unabhängigkeit nicht weit hergeholt ist, zeigt unter anderem, daß sich fast alle Zeitungen in den USA geweigert haben, die gerichtliche Verfolgung von Steven Donziger, der die Ecuadorianer gegen die Ölvergiftung durch Chevron verteidigt hat, zu bringen. Das liegt u.a. daran daß ein wichtiger Anwalt, Gibson Dunn nicht nur für die New York Times arbeitet, sondern auch für Chevron.

zusätzliche Petition: gegen Holzraubbau in Nigeria.

Tratado de los océanos, UE: ¡Salva a las abejas!

Category: general,
Source: action, info,
Language: es,

La negociación de un tratado oceánico global para proteger el 30% de las áreas marinas para la recuperación de la vida silvestre está en juego, pero Covid lo ha retrasado últimamente. Será necesario salvar nuestros océanos como fuente de alimento debido a la sobrepesca y proteger a animales como las tortugas marinas. Nuestros océanos producen la mitad del oxígeno de la Tierra y son la mayor reserva de carbono almacenado de nuestro planeta, por lo que son esenciales para la protección del clima (ver Greenpeace Aotearoa). La pérdida de una especie como el tiburón puede hacer que otros depredadores aumenten, dejándonos menos pescado para comer. La basura plástica es uno de los problemas críticos de nuestros océanos. Los animales confunden las bolsas de plástico con la comida y el gran parche de basura del Pacíficoo tiene cuatro veces el tamaño de Alemania. Un tratado global para detener la contaminación plástica sería un gran paso, ya que los reglamentos válidos en la UE solo pueden corregir poco: decirle a Sudáfrica que se una al tratado.

Firma la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea para proteger nuestras abejas: faltan aún 300.000 firmas para el millón requerido. Dado que la reciente reforma de la PAC ha sido insuficiente, esta es aún más una oportunidad. Tendríamos la tecnología para reducir el uso de pesticidas y prohibir pesticidas como Glyphosat para siempre (robots desyerbadores, protección biológica de plantas, rotación de cultivos, coproducción de cultivos y más).

Tratado dos Oceanos, UE: Salve as Abelhas!

Category: general,
Source: action, info,
Language: pt,

A negociação de um tratado global dos oceanos para proteger 30% das áreas marinhas para a recuperação da vida selvagem está em jogo, mas recentemente foi adiada pela Covid. Será necessário salvar nossos oceanos como fonte de alimento devido à sobrepesca e proteger animais como as tartarugas marinhas. Nossos oceanos produzem metade do oxigênio da Terra e são o maior reservatório de carbono armazenado em nosso planeta, portanto, essenciais para a proteção do clima (ver Greenpeace Aotearoa). A perda de uma espécie como o tubarão pode fazer com que outros predadores aumentem, deixando menos peixes para nós. O lixo plástico é um dos problemas críticos para os nossos oceanos. Animais confundem sacolas plásticas com comida e a grande lixeira do Pacífico tem quatro vezes o tamanho da Alemanha. Um tratado global para acabar com a poluição por plástico seria um grande passo, já que decisões apenas válidas na UE podem alcançar pouco: diga à África do Sul para aderir ao tratado.

Assine a Iniciativa de Cidadania Europeia para proteger as nossas abelhas: ainda faltam 300.000 assinaturas para a milhão necessário. Uma vez que a recente reforma da PAC foi insuficiente, esta é ainda mais uma oportunidade. Teríamos a tecnologia para reduzir o uso de pesticidas e proibir pesticidas como o Glyphosat para sempre (robôs de remoção de ervas daninhas, proteção biológica de plantas, rotação de culturas, coprodução de culturas e muito mais).

Ocean Treaty, EU: Save the Bees!

Category: general,
Source: action, info,
Language: en,

The negotiation of a global ocean treaty to protect 30% of marine areas for recovery of wildlife is at stake but has lately been delayed by Covid. It will be necessary to save our oceans as source of food because of overfishing and to protect animals like sea turtles. Our oceans produce half of the Earth’s oxygen and are our planet’s largest reservoir of stored carbon thus essential for climate protection (see Greenpeace Aotearoa). The loss of a species like shark can cause other predators to increase thus leaving less food fish for us. Plastic littering is one of the critical problems for our oceans. Animals confuse plastic bags with food and the great pacific garbage patch has four times the size of Germany. A global treaty to stop plastic pollution would be a huge step since rulings just valid in the EU can achieve alone only little: tell South Africa to join the treaty.

Sign the European Citizen Initiative to protect our bees: 300.000 signatures are still missing for the required million. Since the recent reform of the CAP has been insufficient this is even more an opportunity. We would have the technology to reduce pesticide use and ban pesticides like Glyphosat for good (weeding robots, biological plant protection, crop rotation, crop coproduction & more).