The question that needs to be asked is not whether Belarusian dictator Lukashenko can reroute an aircraft that is in his airspace, but whether the passenger data of western airlines are still secure. After a Ryanair plane was forced to land in Minsk, the blogger and opposition activist Roman Protassevich was arrested in Belarus, thrown in prison and tortured in order to extort a confession in front of the camera from him that he had incited and organized the mass unrest after the election fraud. His girlfriend from Russia was also arrested. Petition: Demand Protassevich's release.
Die Frage, die man stellen muß, ist nicht ob Weißrußlands Diktator Lukaschenko ein Flugzeug, das sich in seinem Luftraum befindet, umleiten kann, sondern ob die Passagiergastdaten bei westlichen Airlines noch sicher sind. Nach erzwungener Landung einer Ryanair-Maschine in Minsk wurde der Blogger und Oppositionelle Roman Protassewitsch in Weißrußland festgenommen, ins im Gefängnis geworfen und gefoltert um aus ihm vor laufender Kamera ein Geständnis zu erpressen er habe die Massenunruhen nach dem Wahlbetrug angestachelt und organisiert. Auch seine aus Rußland stammende Freundin wurde festgenommen. Petition: Fordern Sie die Freilassung von Protassewitsch.
Los expertos internacionales deberían tener la oportunidad de examinar la fuente del virus y los primeros días del brote de manera completa, transparente y científica, dijo el martes el secretario de Salud de Estados Unidos, Xavier Becerra, en un mensaje de video a la reunión anual de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Según el informe de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, tres empleados del laboratorio de Wuhan estaban tan gravemente enfermos en noviembre de 2019 que tuvieron que ser tratados en el hospital. “Soy muy escéptico de que tres personas en circunstancias muy protegidas en un laboratorio de nivel tres que habían trabajado en coronavirus contraeran la gripe en la misma semana que las llevaron al hospital o las enfermaron gravemente, y no tiene nada que ver con el coronavirus”, dijo David Asher, quien investigó los orígenes del virus para el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. El director del Instituto de Virología de Wuhan, Yuan Zhiming, desestimó el informe como una “completa mentira” al Chinese Global Times. El portavoz de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Zhao Lijian, respondió, culpando a Estados Unidos por la pandemia.
Especialistas internacionais deberiam ter a oportunidade de examinar a origem do vírus e os primeiros dias do surto de forma completa, transparente e científica, disse o secretário de Saúde dos Estados Unidos, Xavier Becerra, em mensagem de vídeo na reunião anual da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) nesta terça-feira. De acordo com o relatório da inteligência dos Estados Unidos, três funcionários do laboratório de Wuhan estavam tão gravemente doentes em novembro de 2019 que tiveram que ser tratados no hospital. “Estou muito cético de que três pessoas em circunstâncias muito abrigadas em um laboratório de nível três que trabalharam com coronavírus pudessem pegar gripe na mesma semana que os levou ao hospital ou os deixou gravemente doentes, e não tem nada a ver com o vírus corona”, disse David Asher, que pesquisou as origens do vírus para o Departamento de Estado dos EUA. O diretor do Instituto de Virologia de Wuhan, Yuan Zhiming, considerou o relatório uma “mentira completa” para o Chinese Global Times. O porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da China, Zhao Lijian, jogou a bola de volta, culpando os EUA pela pandemia.
International experts should be given the opportunity to examine the source of the virus and the early days of the outbreak completely, transparently and scientifically, said US Health Secretary Xavier Becerra in a video message to the annual meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday. According to the US intelligence report, three employees of the Wuhan laboratory were so seriously ill in November 2019 that they had to be treated in hospital. “I am very skeptical that three people in very sheltered circumstances in a level three laboratory who worked on coronavirus would all get the flu in the same week that took them to the hospital or caused them to become seriously ill, and it has nothing to do with the corona virus,” said David Asher, who researched the origins of the virus for the US State Department. The director of the Wuhan Virology Institute, Yuan Zhiming, dismissed the report as a “complete lie” to the Chinese Global Times. China's Foreign Office spokesman Zhao Lijian played the ball back, blaming the US for the pandemic.