little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Virtual Climate Summit at 2021-04-22&23

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

There are new commitments: by 2030: EU -55%, USA -50%-52%, GB by 2035 -78%, Japan by 2030: -46%, Canada by 2030 -40%-45%. China does not want to reduce its coal consumption until 2025, but wants to be climate neutral by 2060. The EU and USA want to become climate neutral by 2050. Coal phase-out in the EU according to Finland, Portugal and the Netherlands by 2030, Italy, Great Britain and Austria by 2025, Sweden & France by 2022. However, Austria is already free of coal-fired power plants since 2020: because of the shutdown of Mellach. The highest level of coal-fired power generation in the USA was in 2011. Top emitters (2020): China 26%, USA 12½%, EU 7½%, India 7%. No climate protection without China.

Adjusted for arithmetic, the -55% of the EU corresponds to -52.8% (forest areas). The EU Parliament wanted -60% by 2030 and a sharper calculation method. That should really have been possible with Great Britain in view. These stipulations mean that the 1.5° target will in fact be abandoned and even 2° will only be met by 50% by 2050. Climate scientist Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb: “Nobody would get on a plane that had a 50% chance of crashing!”. Before the conference, Joe Biden wanted to get the climate villain Bolsonaro to cooperate with carrot and stick in the absence of other means in order to save the Amazon. So far, however, there has apparently been no result and there will probably be none without covert or non-covert impending sanctions. Environmental tariffs should be considered also with view to China. Compared to the EU, it would be easier for the US to domestically meet its alternative energy needs.

Virtuelle Klimakonferenz vom 22.&23.April 2021

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,

Es gibt neue Zusagen: bis 2030: EU -55%, USA -50%-52%, GB bis 2035 -78%, Japan bis 2030: -46%, Kanada bis 2030 -40%-45%. China will erst ab 2025 seinen Kohleverbrauch verringern, aber bereits 2060 klimaneutral sein. EU und USA wollen bis 2050 klimaneutral werden. Kohleausstieg in der EU laut Finnland, Portugal und die Niederlande bis 2030, Italien, Großbritannien und Österreich bis 2025, Schweden & Frankreich bis 2022. Österreich wurde aber bereits 2020 mit der Abschaltung von Mellach frei von Kohlekraftwerken. Höchststand der Kohleverstromung in den USA war 2011. Top emitters (2020): China 26%, USA 12½%, EU 7½%, India 7%. Ohne China kein Klimaschutz.

Rechenbereinigt entsprechen die -55% der EU -52,8% (Waldflächen). Das EU-Parlament wollte -60% bis 2030 und eine schärfere Berechnungsmethode. Das hätte mit Blick auf Großbritannien wirklich möglich sein sollen. Mit diesen Festlegungen wird das 1,5° Ziel nämlich faktisch aufgegeben und selbst 2° werden bis 2050 nur zu 50% eingehalten. Klimawissenschaftlerin Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb: „Niemand würde in ein Flugzeug steigen, das mit 50% Wahrscheinlichkeit abstürzt!“. Vor der Konferenz wollte Joe Biden den Klimaschurken Bolsonaro in Ermangelung anderer Mittel mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche zur Kooperation bringen um den Amazonas zu retten. Bisher gab es hier offenbar aber noch kein Ergebnis und ohne verdeckte oder nicht verdeckte Sanktionen wird es wohl auch keines geben. Umweltzölle sollte man auch mit Blick auf China andenken. Im Vergleich zur EU hätten es die USA leichter ihren Alternativenergiebedarf innerhalb ihres eigenen Landes zu stillen.

Probable mensaje falso: certificado de vacunación aceptado

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: es,
Lamentablemente, no pudimos verificar que el certificado internacional de vacunación debería aceptarse en general como prueba de vacunación en Austria. En cualquier caso, esto no se mencionó en las principales noticias, nuevamente solo sobre la “tarjeta de vacunación verde” electrónica con código QR, que representa un grave riesgo para la seguridad de los datos. La prueba es inicialmente válida 22 días después de la primera vacunación y seis meses después de la segunda. Sería muy recomendable la aceptación común del certificado internacional de vacunación. El documento se ha utilizado hasta ahora, por ejemplo, en un viaje a Brasil a la Amazonía para demostrar una vacunación contra la fiebre amarilla.

Provável mensagem falsa: Certificado de vacinação internacional aceito

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: pt,
Infelizmente, não foi possível verificar se o passe internacional de vacinação deve ser geralmente aceito como prova de vacinação na Áustria. Em todo o caso, não houve qualquer menção a este assunto nas principais notícias, mais uma vez apenas sobre o “cartão de vacinação verde” eletrónico com código QR, que representa um grave risco para a segurança dos dados. A comprovação é válida inicialmente 22 dias após a primeira vacinação e seis meses após a segunda. A aceitação comum do certificado internacional de vacinação seria fortemente aconselhável. O documento já tem sido usado, por exemplo, em uma viagem ao Brasil para a Amazônia para comprovar a vacinação contra a febre amarela.

Likely Wrong Information: Certificate of International Vaccination accepted

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,
Unfortunately, we were unable to verify that the international vaccination pass should generally be accepted as proof of vaccination in Austria. In any case, there was no mention of this in the main news, again only about the electronic “green vaccination card” with QR code, which represents a serious data security risk. The proof is initially valid 22 days after the first vaccination and six months after the second. Common acceptance of the international vaccination certificate would be strongly advised. The document has so far been used, for example, on a trip to Brazil to the Amazon to prove a yellow fever vaccination.