little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Stop the Adani Carmichael Mine!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
Time is running out to stop one of the biggest new coal mines in the world. We have already reported about this disastrous project. The Adani mine relies on a key piece of train signalling technology that only German engineering giant Siemens is willing to provide. SumOfUs reports to have found at least four environmental breaches that could trigger the exit clause in Siemens’ contract with Adani. Up to now Siemens said it was bound by its word and went ahead with the contract.

Haltet die Adani Carmichael Mine auf!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Die Zeit läuft davon, eine der größten neuen Kohlengruben der Welt zu stoppen. Wir haben bereits über dieses katastrophale Projekt berichtet. Die Mine von Adani verläßt sich auf ein Schlüsselstück der Zugsignaltechnologie, das nur der deutsche Ingenieurriese Siemens bereitstellen kann und will. SumOfUs berichtet, mindestens vier Umweltverstöße festgestellt zu haben, die die Ausstiegsklausel im Vertrag von Siemens mit Adani auslösen könnten. Bisher sagte Siemens, es sei an sein Wort gebunden und habe den Vertrag bereits abgeschlossen.


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
Vea la siguiente sesión de la ONU. Hemos descargado y convertido el video directamente desde el sitio web de la ONU. En estos tiempos en los que nos molestan más y más noticias falsas en Facebook, así como teorías de conspiración inventadas en la televisión, se vuelve cada vez más importante saber qué es verdad y qué es una mentira. Aquellos que difunden toneladas de teorías de conspiración inverosímiles probablemente tienen la segunda intención de hacer que las teorías de conspiración sean ridículas per se para que la gente ya no considere si puede haber una verdadera conspiración.


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Assista à sessão seguinte do ONU. Baixamos e convertemos o vídeo diretamente do site da ONU. Nestes tempos em que somos importunados com mais e mais notícias falsas no Facebook, bem como teorias de conspiração inventadas na TV, torna-se cada vez mais importante saber o que é verdade e o que é mentira. Aqueles que divulgam toneladas de teorias da conspiração implausíveis provavelmente têm segundas intenções para tornar as teorias da conspiração ridículas per se, para que as pessoas não considerem mais se pode haver uma conspiração na verdade.


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Watch the following session of the UNO. We have downloaded and converted the video directly from the website of the UNO. These times where we are pestered with more and more fake-news on Facebook as well as invented conspiracy theories on TV it becomes more and more important to know what is true in deed and what is a lie. Those who broadcast tons of implausible conspiracy theories will likely have the ulterior motive to make conspiracy theories ridiculous per se so that people do not consider whether there may be a true conspiracy any more.