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xchroot has a new feature: It can mirror mounts into the root as well as out of the root while a chroot is in progress. This is achieved by forking a mirror-mountd process. Furthermore the code has been cleaned up to allow faster unmounts on exit, prettier printing with three message levels and an effective polling whether a sub-process has terminated on exit. Mounting the home directory into the root can now be done with a simple command line switch. As there have been done some bigger changes to xchroot, further testing is welcome.
This year's winter solstice for the north is on the 21st of December at 10:02 UTC (date of this message). We wish everyone compliments of the season and a good time!
O solstício de inverno deste ano para o norte é no 2020-12-21 10:02 UTC (fecha desta mensagem). Desejamos boas-festas e um bom tempo para todos!
Die Wintersonnenwende dieses Jahres für die Nordhalbkugel ereignet sich am 21.12.2020 um 11:02 MEZ. Wir wünschen allen ein frohes Fest und eine schöne Zeit!
El solsticio hiemal de este año para el norte es en el 2020-12-21 10:02 UTC (fecha del mensaje). Deseamos felices fiestas y un tempo óptimo para todos!
As ativistas de Fridays for Future lembraram-nos com um letreiro de chá, também aqui no Klagenfurt na Nova Praça, sobre a meta de 1,5°C (). Os compromissos de redução do Conselho da Europa ascendem atualmente a -55% líquido (o que equivale a 50,5% -52,8% bruto), o que, no entanto, ainda é insuficiente para a meta de 1,5° que exigira entretanto -80%. Líquido significa que você precisa subtrair a absorção de CO2 alcançada pela natureza. Isso já seria demais para os estados insulares e os recifes de corais. A China se comprometeu com uma redução de 65% até 2030 na comparação com o PIB.
Fridays for Future has also remembered in Klagenfurt, Austria with a tea ligth lettering on the New Square about the 1.5°C target (). The reduction commmitments of the Council of Europe do currently amount to -55% netto (which equals 50.5%-52.8% brutto) which is however still insufficient for the 1.5° target that required by now -80%. Netto means that you need to subtract the CO2 absorbation achieved by nature. That would already be too much for insular states and the coral reefs. China has commited to a reduction of 65% up to 2030 in comparison with the GDP.