little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Interessante Petitionen

Category: general,
Source: action,
Link: about:blank,
Language: de,
  • Brasilianische Anwälte und Menschenrechtler fordern den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag auf, Ermittlungen gegen Präsident Bolsonaro aufzunehmen. Bolsonaro rufe zu Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und zum Mord an den 300 indigenen Völkern des südamerikanischen Landes auf. – zur Petition
  • Da wird die Covid-19 Krise in Kanada genutzt um trotz vorhergehender heftiger Proteste die Bauarbeiten an einer Fracking-Gaspipeline weiterzuführen und gerade erst jetzt durchzudrücken. Wegen der niedrigen Erdölpreise droht zudem ein massiver Bail-Out der Fossilindustrie auf Allgemeinkosten – unterstützen Sie die Wet’suwet’en.
  • Trumps Anschlag auf die Umweltschutzbehörde: Don’t let Trump Censor Science
  • In Deutschland soll ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Kanzlei Shearman & Stirling, die den Milliardenbetrug mit den Cum-Ex-Geschäften eingefädelt hat, Präsidenten des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden; unglaublich! – lesen Sie mehr.
  • Ein Bundesgericht hat sich in den USA gestern dem Stamm der Standing Rock Sioux angeschlossen und Genehmigungen für die Dakota Access Pipeline wegen des Risikos von Ölverschmutzungen für die lebenswichtige Wasserversorgung abgelehnt. Aktivisten feiern den Sieg und verpflichten sich, den Widerstand fortzusetzen, bis die Pipeline endgültig stillgelegt ist.

diskutils package: confinedrv v1.7.11

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
confinedrv now implements a feature desired since long by the community: confining access rights to drives which have numbers in their name like /dev/nvm0e1. That way you do not need to link that drive node to an artificial name without numbers. The documentation has also been updated in order to tell that even -ro mounts change the underlying partition if not confined and that you should not mount a partition twice.

a̅tea v0.6

Category: programs,
Source: SecuritySW,
Language: en,
͏a̅tea has been extended for SNI (Server Name Indication). This is necessary to download from sites like where one server hosts different domains each with its own certificate. The scripts in /DANE/ have also been extended to support SNI.

Contato por e-mail

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Infelizmente, alguém invadiu nossas contas de e-mail e redefiniu a senha para que não possamos mais acessar nossas próprias contas de e-mail. Agora isso aconteceu pela segunda vez. Em 12-02 2020, percebemos que a senha para já havia sido redefinida no passado, em 16/03 2020 a senha para ambas as contas e havia sido redefinida. O suporte do nosso hoster, Dotplex, se recusa a investigar o problema. Até agora, todos os emails foram também encaminhados automaticamente para, onde os serviços secretos podem ler os emails. Supomos que alguém tenha quebrado intencionalmente nossas contas para eliminar um email indesejado. Se você nos enviou um email, mas não obteve resposta até agora, envie-o novamente, mas apenas para, o endereço de email particular do autor. permanecerá o endereço público dos emails para No entanto, a partir de agora, esse endereço será completamente não blindado, para que não possamos mais detectar e-mails eliminados.

Contact via Email

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Unfortunately someone has intruded into our email accounts and reset the password there so that we could no more access our own email accounts. Now this has happened for the second time. On 2020-02-12 we realized that the password for had already been reset in the past, on 2020-03-16 the password for both accounts and had been reset. The support of our hoster, Dotplex refuses to investigate the issue. Up to now all emails had been forwarded to, where secret services could read the emails. We assume that someone has intentionally broken our accounts to delete an unwanted email. If you have sent us an email but got no response up to now, please send us the email again, but only to, the private email address of the author. will stay the public address for emails to However this address will from now on be completely unshielded so that we can no more detect deleted emails.