important bugfix update: readout-parttbl did backup whole partitions instead of just the intermediate space if partitions did not have some intermediate space between them which is often the case for GPT partitions (not for MSDOS partition tables up to 1TB). Now it also backups trailing space after the last partition; to avoid this use --skipend. scripts/install now creates the man directory if it did not exist previously and sparsefile-restore has adapted inline directives for newer versions of gcc.
Os insetos são importantes como polinizadores, como alimento para outras criaturas e recicladores de nutrientes. Eles estão morrendo a taxas alarmantes, com muitas espécies ficando extintas. Uma redução no uso de pesticidas seria crucial para a proteção de nossos insetos. Isso poderia pelo menos parcialmente ser alcançado por um imposto sobre esses produtos químicos. A Suécia tem essa taxa desde 1984, e a França, a Itália e a Dinamarca agora também têm taxas. A pesquisa mostrou que os tratamentos químicos podem ser diminuidos sem afetar os lucros das fazendas. Pesticidas especialmente prejudiciais como os neonicotinoidos devem ser proibidos todos juntos. Eles são tão perigosos porque resolvem facilmente na água e, portanto, tornam paisagens inteiras venenosas para insetos, porque as plantas assimilam esses produtos químicos. No momento, apenas três das neônicas mais perigosas são proibidas na UE. A Bélgica agora quer banir todos os neonicotinoidos. Precisamos esperar que a UE não anule a proibição da Bélgica.
Insects are important as pollinators, as food for other creatures, and recyclers of nutrients. They are dying at alarming rates with many species going extinct. A reduction in the use of pesticides would be crucial for the protection of our insects. This could at least partially be achieved by a tax on these chemicals. Sweden has had such a levy since 1984, and France, Italy and Denmark now also have charges. Research showed that chemical treatments can be cut without affecting farm profits. Especially harmful pesticides like the neonicotinoides should be forbidden all together. They are so dangerous because they do easily solve in water and thus make whole landscapes poisonous for insects because the plants assimilate these chemicals. At the moment only three of the most harmful neonics are forbidden within the EU. Belgium now wants to ban all neonics. We need to hope that the EU does not annihliate Belgium´s ban.
Insekten sind wichtig für die Bestäubung, als Fressen für andere Lebewesen und zur Wiederverwertung von Nährstoffen. Das Insektensterben ist alarmierend. Viele Arten sind bereits ausgestorben oder sie sind dabei auszusterben. Eine Reduktion des Pestizideinsatzes wäre entscheidend für einen effektiven Schutz unserer Insekten. Das könnte größtenteils über eine Steuer auf Pestiziden erfolgen. Schweden hat eine solche Abgabe seit 1984, Frankreich, Italien und Dänemark haben eine solche erst kürzlich eingeführt. Forschungen haben ergeben, daß eine Reduktion des Spritzmitteleinsatzes möglich ist, ohne daß die Profite der Erzeuger davon negativ betroffen wären. Besonders schädliche Pestizide wie die Neonikotinoide müsen natürlich verboten werden. Diese sind so gefährlich, weil sie leicht in Wasser löslich sind, sich verbreiten und so ganze Landstriche verseuchen und für Insekten giftig machen, wenn die Pflanzen diese aufnehmen. Im Moment sind leider nur drei der am meisten schädlichen Neonikotinoide in der EU verboten. Belgien will nun alle verbieten und muß hoffen, daß die EU das Verbot nicht kippt.
debcheckroot v2.1 has a feature to automatically continue stalled downloads (tune with: --retries, --timeout). Downloading is now also possible as user (i.e. not as root) which is important for Tails users. You may download on another machine than your root file system resides, use: --copy-config. The background color of yellow status messages has been adapted to also fit terminals with white background.