little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Yanomami: Threats, Right Livelihood Award

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Next to Greta Thunberg the Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa has won this years Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize). The Yanomami are an indigenous folk living in the area between Brazil and Venezuela. Unfortunately the Yanomami are threatened by illegal gold miners which have invaded their territory. They are threatened directly and by serious amounts of mercury poisoning their drinking water, the fish and the rain forest.

Yanomami: Bedrohung, alternativer Nobelpreis

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Neben Greta Thunberg hat der Yanomami Schamane Davi Kopenawa heuer den alternativen Nobelpreis für Nachhatligkeit (Right Livelihood Award) 2019 gewonnen. Die Yanomami sind ein Indianervolk, das im Gebiet zwischen Brasilien und Venezuela ansässig ist. Doch leider werden die Yanomami im heutigen Brasilien durch illegale Goldsucher bedroht, direkt physisch und durch das viele Quecksilber, das ihr Trinkwasser, den Fisch und den Wald vergiftet.

Nova substância da planta contra o câncer de pele

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Um grupo de cientistas da universidade de Graz, na Áustria, encontrou uma substância ativa prometadora contra o câncer de pele. O câncer de pele negra é um dos tipos mais malignos de câncer. No entanto, enquanto é extirpado bastante cedo, pode ser curado bem. A planta da raiz do Lote, conhecida na medicina tradicional chinesa, agora promete uma maneira de curar a doença, ainda quando o câncer de pele é extirpado tarde demais. Experimentos com ratos já foram bem sucedidos.

New Active Plant Substance against Skin Cancer

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
A group of scientists from the university of Graz, Austria has found a promising active substance against skin cancer. Black skin cancer is one of the most malignant types of cancer. Nonetheless if it is cut out soon enough it can be cured well. The Lot-root plant as known from Traditional Chinese Medicine now promises a way to cure the disease even when the skin cancer is cut out too late. Experiments with mice have already been successful.

Lotwurz Wirkstoff gegen Hautkrebs

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern an der Uni Graz, Österreich hat einen vielversprechenden Wirkstoff gegen Hautkrebs gefunden. Der schwarze Hautkrebs gehört zu den gefährlichsten Krebsarten. Wird er herausgeschnitten bevor er Metastasen bilden kann ist er zum Glück jedoch gut behandelbar. Die aus der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin kommende Lotwurz verspricht nun eine Behandlung auch falls dies zu spät kommt. Experimente an Mäusen waren bereits erfolgreich.