little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

#FirePruitt: Scott Pruitt raus aus der EPA!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, Umweltschutzbehörde) Vorsitzender Scott Pruitt ist ein korrupter Klimaleugner und Rassist, der die amerikanische Umweltschutzbehörde nach eigenen Angaben zerstören und abschaffen will. Sein rücksichtsloser Machtmißbrauch stößt sogar einigen Republikanern, die seine Agenda gegen Umweltschutz befürworten, übel auf.

#FirePruitt: It's time to get Pruitt OUT of the EPA

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is corrupt climate denier and a racist bent on destroying the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). He has said he wants to “get rid” of the agency he leads. His reckless abuse of authority is alarming even to some Congressional Republicans who generally support his agenda of turning our country over to corporate polluters.

USA: Bewahrt die NetzNeutralität!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Die Bundesbehörde für Kommunikation in den USA (FCC - Federal Communications Commission) hat eine Verfügung herausgegeben um die Netzneutralität abzuschaffen. Das würde Internetprovidern erlauben willkürlich Inhalte zu verlangsamen und zu blockieren. Die Gesellschaft wäre kommerzieller Zensur schutzlos ausgeliefert und innovative StartUp Unternehmen mit neuen Ideen würden ebenfalls ausgebremst. Verlinkt ist eine Aktion für US-Bürger.

USA: Save the Net Neutrality!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) order allowing internet providers to slow down and block content at their choosing leaves the public without protections from corporate censorship, and leaves small businesses without the ability to compete with larger sites and services. The effects on free expression and innovation will be devastating.

Demonstration against Surveillance Package in Austria

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
The Austrian secretary of the Interior Mr. Herbert Kickl wants to push the surveillance package through legislation which he used to object and criticise in the days when his party was in opposition. It comprises the deployment of a federal trojan horse malware, enlargened video surveillance including automatic facial recognition, traffic surveillance including an automatic license plate reader, a weakening of the privacy of correspondence and a whole lot more; demonstration at the Ballhausplatz 2 in front of the Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria.