little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

important news

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

The grand coalitioin in Germany does not come up to its previous promises and fails to implement the climate protection goal for 2020; what a shame and what a negative example for all the efforts worldwide!

The new Austrian finance minister Hartwig Löger continues defend tax heavens; read more at Attac Austria.

Nachrichten, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,

Die Große Koalition steht nicht zu ihren vorhergehenden Aussagen und kippt das Klimaziel 2020. Eine Schande und schlechtes Beispiel für den Klimaschutz weltweit!

Auch der neue österreichische Finanzminister Hartwig Löger setzt sich für den Erhalt von Steuersümpfen ein; lesen Sie mehr auf Attac Österreich.

Antoine Deltour’s Conviction is Cancelled

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
On January 11st, the Luxembourg Court of Cassation fully recognised that Antoine Deltour’s action as a whistleblower’s has to be appreciated as a whole and thereby cancelled his conviction. This is an undisputable victory!

Antoine Deltour wurde freigesprochen

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Am 11.Jänner hat das Kassationsgericht in Luxemburg Antoine Deltour freigesprochen, indem es sein Handeln als Whistelblower in öffentlichem Interesse voll anerkannt hat. Ein unbestreitbarer Sieg für alle, die für eine gerechtere Gesellschaft kämpfen!

GnuPG Keys for Revoked

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The private offline GnuPG key of has transitorily been outside the physical reach of the author while being arreseted in June 2017. Please do not use it again. Besides this the author has found a copy of the secure online key on a daily used offline hard disk which had also been outside of his physical reach although this key is supposed to merely exist on the smart card. “According to my memory I have destroyed the private online key immediately after loading it onto my smartcard while having booted via DVD. It is hard to say whether the key would have been compromised out from the smartcard.” Please do not use either. We excuse that there is currently no possibility to send us an encrypted message.