little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Global Climate March

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Línguas: en, de,

Show your support for climate protection and a strong treaty at the upcoming COP21 climate summit in Paris taking place this December. Look for a city near you taking part in the Global Climate March.

Zeigen Sie Ihre Unterstützung für eine aktive Klimapolitik und den kommenden Klimagipfel COP21 in Paris, der diesen Dezember stattfindet. Schauen Sie nach, ob es auch in Ihrer Nähe eine Klima-Demo gibt.

planned US military base on Okinawa

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,
On the island of Okinawa in Japan the local population is protesting against a planned new US military air base, among them grandparents as old as 86 years trying to stop the bulldozers. Many endangered species, the coral reefs and the dugongs (peaceful, sea weed eating sea cows) are at threat to become wiped out at the island.

Forest Fires in Indonesia out of Control

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

Millions of hectare of rainforest are burning in Indonesia. Palm oil producers have set various blazes to obtain new land. Even the neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapur are already covered by thick, unhealthy smoke. In Central Kalimantan there are so many soot particles in the air that it can pose a danger to life. Intan, a 9 year old girl, has collapsed on her way to school and died before she arrived in hospital (She was not the only one).

Call on the Indonesian government to prosecute the arsonsists:

Ask Mrs. Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany to stop usage of agrofuels made of palm oil:

EFF: Uphold the Possibility for Strong Encryption

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,
Certain members of Congress as well as the FBI want to force backdoors into encryption (gpg etc.). This could f.i. be achieved by a golden key causing organizations and companies having to reveal all of their precious communications towards the US-government. There is no doubt that this would open the floodgate to misuse either by government officials themselves or by criminals with sufficient technical expertise. We believe that such a bill could cause a real catastrophy towards any government critical actions as we do also engage in.