little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Uma palavra verdadeira sobre a política de asilo na Alemanha e na Áustria

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: pt,

A maioria das pessoas que nos procuram como refugiados não tem direito a asilo de acordo com a Convenção de Genebra para Refugiados segundo no direito internacional. Se há exatamente um professor em uma aldeia síria que se expressa crítico ao regime e depois é perseguido ou tem medo de ficar matado, então exatamente esse professor tem direito a asilo; disse o Sr. Univ. Prof. Michael Geistlinger. É claro que também podemos conceder a muitas pessoas deslocadas o direito humanitário de ficar, mas não há nenhuma obrigação segundo o direito internacional de fazê-lo. Além disso, seria muito mais eficaz ajudar as pessoas nos países vizinhos para que possam regressar mais tarde e reconstruir o seu país. Em vez de garantir que aqueles que estão realmente sendo perseguidos por regimes estrangeiros ou serviços secretos tenham a oportunidade de vir para a Europa e receber asilo aqui, Dona Angela Merkel, entre outros, provocou uma migração de povos com seu “convite”, enquanto o serviço secreto alemãe era permitido a cooperar com o regime sírio sob Assad. Aqueles que são realmente perseguidos têm que ficar prejudicados por este sistema.

Say “No” to an Austrian Surveillance State!

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

On 2016-01-27 the Austrian parliament will vote for or against the new 'State Protection Law' (Staatsschutzgesetz). It contains a lineament which can be seen as anti-democratic. Other than the data preservation law (Vorratsdatenspeicherung) as previously rejected by lawyers there will be no protection for whistleblowers. There is no passage which would exclude the media so that people who give information to the media could be protected. The bill contains a far reaching surveillance authority including to store when people go where as well as electronice communication like emails and social media; all of it without the consent of a lawyer. The data will be forwarded to foreign intelligence. Participating in a demonstration can be reason enough to be put under surveillance (because of so called 'Landfriedensbruch' i.e. breaking the country´s quietude.).

» more in German on the website of Klaus Schreiner.

Save Madaya from Starvation!

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

Though the latest aid deliveries for Madaya in Syria have succeeded after three month of starvation there is no guarantee that they can continue. We cannot stand by and watch while 40,000 Syrians starve to death because of a tight siege around various towns and villages in Syria. Ask the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to bring all parties together including Turkey, Iran, and their allies trying to lift the siege on Madaya and other besieged towns in Syria.

» to the petition by Avaaz.

Save our Environment and our Climate!

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

100% Clean Energy until 2050

Scientists have been warning us since a long time that global warming could be accelerated beyond our control. It would be fatal if the perma-frost soil in the arctic tundra would dew up and release gigantic amounts of methane gas. Sign this petition from Avaaz to call 'national, local, and international leaders' for action as indicated by the COP21 agreement and 'to do this fairly, with support to the most vulnerable among us'. This would require a decarbonization up to 2050. “The most important petition we've ever done”, says Avaaz. - to the petition [https]

We do not want to continue like this!

The BUND, German subsidiary from Friends of Earth, calls for a protest march against newly planned huge livestock units while meat consumption in Germany is on the decline. The contamination of ground water by unduly high amounts of manure as well as growing resistences against antibiotics are important problems not to mention that animals will also have to suffer (our message from 2015-09-02.). More and more small farmers need to give up because they can not compete with these huge livestock units still receiving high subsidies. Huge livestocks are a problem for our global climate. Germany´s biodiversity is also at threat by over-fertilization. - the BUND calls to participate in a demonstration [https]

EU-Commission Permits a New Bee-Killer.

The European Commission has permitted a new bee-killing biocide (Flupyradifuron) which is a neonicotinoid and produced by Bayer. This was an irresponsible action as the survival of our bee colonies is at threat. Large amounts of our alimentation depends on the pollination of bees.

German petition against Flupyradifurone [https]
Bayer suing Europe. [https] , read more.


Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,
Here come the SHA256SUMS of the blue ray media we have sent out lately. With these shasums it should be possible to verify that you have in deed received the media from us the way we have sent them out; i.e. hopefully in a pristine and undamaged form.