little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Meeting into Contact

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Yesterday I received an email at Again the secret services annoyingly deleted the mail before I could open it. It was a coincidence that my tablet reported that I had received the email at all. Why don't you write me non-electronically by snail-mail if emails don't work? A postal address of mine can be found under contact and in the phone book under Klagenfurt. I usually reply to every email; otherwise I did not receive it.

Trump hones at his own people

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,
The chief commander in the military hospital: They have certainly done everything possible for him, including a plasma donation. For a blood plasma with antibodies, a donor who has already successfully survived CoViD is required and there are very few of them. Since Trump has already been given artificial oxygen, it is likely that he would not have survived without treatment. Donald Trump: “Do not be afraid. I feel 20 years younger.” This is a mockery of his own people, for whom he has even abolished the most basic care such as Obamacare. Another inconsideration towards his subordinates is that he allowed himself to be driven around in a car for the purpose of campaigning, where the virus load is inevitably high despite the protective mask. His subordinates also have family members, parents and grandparents!

Communications Decency Act, Section 230

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,

USA: Both Democrats and Republicans have taken aim at this piece of legislation, which has been called the “26 words that created the Internet.” Without CDA 230, tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube will be legally responsible for everything people like you and me do on their platforms. They'd rather censor everything we say than risk expensive lawsuits, or penalties from the FCC.

Currently there are several similarely devastating bills in preparation: The EARN IT act, PATRIOT ACT and FISA Amendments Act, The Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, The PACT Act. Even worse lawmakers in Europe sometimes tend to copy what US-bills do; so fight against it at every level!

Photos: Burano, Murano, Venice 2020

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
New photos from Burano, Murano and Venice. This year it is an ideal time for photography because only a few people visit the sites due to Corona. Unfortunately my camera has run out of battery in Venice so that I had to use my old mobile phone.