Germany and France are planning to introduce an upper bound on cash transactions in the amount of 5,000€. That way the state would not only gain information about when money has been deposited or used but also about the exact intended use of the money. The purchase of a used car above 5,000€ or respective purchases of furniture or at the jeweler would then require a credit card (additional costs?!) or a bank transaction at least one day in advance of the purchase (if the salesman allows for it). In Europe and especially in Germany and Austria there is a well established culture of paying in cash while not all people do have a credit card.
Additionally there are plans to abolish the 500 Euro banknote. This kind of paper money is a.o. in use by travellers. A singleton 500 Euro banknote can be hidden easily. It can be very useful in dedicated cases: when everything else would be stolen or when all electronic means of payment become locked in the case of an ominous mistake (As it has already happened to the author of this web page because of an erroneous news about his alledged death.). When staying at a hotel 100 Euro can be used up fast while 500 Euro can provide for a fine time.
Officially it is all about fighting against terror and money laundry. Nonetheless there is the request of banks in the background which want to control the whole liquid assets of their customers. According to the former president of the constitutional court of Germany, Hans-Jürgen Papier such an upper bound would constitute an illegal infringement of freedom rights namely concerning contract-freeness and private autonomy. On the other hand it is not known how the terror militia Islamic State shall be forced to open up an online banking account.
de: Wir haben in unserer letzten Nachricht geschrieben, daß Söldner bei einem Angriff auf ein Dorf der Guarani Menschen getötet haben. Auch wenn dies leider immer wieder vorkommt, so haben wir in diesem Fall keine gesicherten Nachrichten, daß es bei den Angriffen rund um den 24.01.2016 Tote gegeben hat. Erst im September wurde allerdings ein Anführer der Guarani getötet.
en: We had written in our last message that the private armed forces would have killed people in a village of the Guarani. Although things like this do unfortunately happen over and over we have not been reported that people would have been killed at the assaults around 2016-01-24. It is however no longer ago than a few month that a leader of the Guarani had been killed in September.