little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

debcheckroot v2.0 pre-release

Kategorie: programs,
Quelle: SecuritySW,
Sprache: en,
debcheckroot-v1.99, the pre-release version of v2.0 is now available for testing. It is a program to verify your Debian Linux against rootkits also of unknown kind. Most likely it will become v2.0 without any significant changes. If so we will not notify for the final release in addition. debcheckroot v2.0 works with current versions of Debian and has many interesting new features: direct comparison, generation of sha256 lists, checking of symbolic links, user, group and mode. No external programs like gunzip or tar are required any more. The full functionality is integrated. By sucessively generating sha256-lists you may also verify installations based on multiple DVDs. Direct comparison or sha256 comparison is more secure than just comparing the md5 like with v1.0 but it requires a full unzip of all installation packages. Additionally it causes some false positives where configuration files are unpacked and later on automatically changed via installation scripts. Unpacking takes place in memory only.

diskutils package: confinedrv v1.7.8

Kategorie: programs,
Quelle: LinuxSW,
Sprache: en,
confinedrv is now part of the diskutils package. It newly contains programs for backing up and restoring sparse files, for binary diff and patch, for generating sha256sum lists and experimental scripts for shredding (safe delete) a disk installation. confinedrv itself has been extended for functionality to back up and use a whole partition table including intermediate spaces and for verifying, restoring and blanking the boot sector of a disk against boot viruses and malware.

Automatische SzenenErkennung für Videos

Kategorie: programs,
Quelle: MiscSW,
Sprache: de,
Das Programm erkennt den Beginn einer neuen Szene in Videos automatisch. Das Ergebnis kann man in eine Datei speichern um es dann bspw. mit HTML5-Videos zu verwenden. Wir haben auch die Seite über HTML5-VideoScripting ergänzt. Ab sofort ist auch beschrieben wie man ein Video in Javascript on-the-fly durch pixelweise Manipulationen ändern kann.

Software from now available under GPLv3

Kategorie: programs,
Quelle: software-general,
Sprache: en,
We have now put all of our software at under GPLv3 to encourage contributions. If you plan to contribute please sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) so that we can include your changes here at

Mohican Web Server

Kategorie: programs,
Quelle: MiscSW,
Sprache: de,
Der Mohican Web Server war ein kleines Uni-Projekt und ist jetzt unter GPLv3 verfügbar. Er unterstützt SCTP und TCP. Lesen Sie über die Vorteile von SCTP über HTTP/2.0, HTTP/3.0 und SPDY/QUIC. Das spezielle Design des Servers soll das schnelle Empfangen von HTTP-Anfragen erlauben. Wenn Sie selbst zur Entwicklung des Servers beitragen wollen unterzeichnen Sie bitte unsere Contributor License Agreement (CLA).